Trevi Fountain Coin Tradition, Rome

There are a couple of variations on the coin throwing story, all rooted in tradition with varying interpretation.  The most popular interpretation is that throwing a coin over your shoulder into the water of the fountain will ensure a return visit to Rome.A current version of this tradition is throwing three coins with the right hand over the left shoulder.

This tradition of three coins probably comes from the movie Three Coins in the Fountain.  (In the movie, however, it was three different women each throwing one coin into the fountain.) Still another version of the tradition is that throwing two coins will ensure a marriage coming soon, and three coins means a divorce.

Throwing coins into the Trevi Fountain has become a ritual to the thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to visit Rome. There are actually two superstitious legends to explain why people are obsessed with throwing coins:  the first says that if you throw a coin from your right hand backwards over your left shoulder, you will definitely return to Rome. The second legend inspired the film "Three Coins in the Trevi Fountain", which says you must throw three coins into the fountain.

The Trevi Fountain, in addition to its architecture and history that has made it one of the most famous monuments in the world, is that the roman fountain was the set for the famous Fellini movie, "La Dolce Vita"  (the sweet life of roman culture).

Design of the Trevi Fountain While most people aren’t concerned with the allegories and symbolism of the fountain’s decor (especially since many are facing away from the fountain as they’re throwing coins), to the original builders the meaning was just as important as the water that flowed from the fountain. The star of the show is a figure called “Oceanus,” who is seen riding on a giant clam shell and represents water in all its forms rivers, oceans, lakes, etc.

Tourists travel and teens throng the cramped little piazza's curving steps from early morning until well after midnight while immigrants selling plastic-wrapped roses thread through the crowds.Legend and a host of silly American movies (especially Three Coins in the Fountain) hold that if you toss a coin into this fountain, you're guaranteed to return to Rome.

There’s a long standing tradition about throwing coins in the Trevi Fountain spend a few minutes watching people at the fountain and you’ll see that this is the main reason many people stop by. The original legend says that if you throw a coin into the Treviwith your back to the fountain, throwing the coin with your right hand over your left shoulder that will ensure a return to Rome.

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