Visiting An South African Tribe: What You Need To Know

If festivals and events were to be the gauge in determining how deep the traditions of an African nation is, then the countries in this list makes up for the top with the richest culture. Africa is a continent filled with adventure. If you’re getting full of the Eastern and Western countries, it’s time to take a breather in Africa. Below is a list of tribes which culture is remarkable:


Tanzania is where the Wildebeest Migration of East Africa took place. But more than just the annual migration of the zebras and their predators, there are many things to look forward to in this nation, especially when it comes to culture. In Tanzania, the Chagga tribe is the one most popular. They are the group of people living in the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. Their colorful tradition, which consists of rich folklore and flamboyant celebrations, could have something to do with their early embrace of Christianity.


An African tribe list would not be complete without including the San who are also referred to as Bushmen, Barwa, Sho, Kung, or Khwe. They live in the Kalahari desert and are the oldest inhabitants of South Africa. This group of people were traditionally hunters and gathers but in modern day have become farmers.

Zulu Nation 

The Zulu nation forms an integral part of the South African history and is probably one the most well-known elements of the country’s rich history due in large part to popular culture. Zulu refers to both an ethnic group and a language. The Zulu tribe was infamous all over Southern Africa for their disciplined living arrangement and unique fighting style, which they used to take over large parts of South Africa and scattered many other tribes around the country. Having played such a large and important role in making of the country as we know it today it is important that visitors visit the region and learn what they can about the Zulu culture.


The Berber are the indigenous inhabitants of North Africa (west of the Nile) and have existed in Africa since at least 3000 BC. They are scattered across Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.

Dogon Tribe

These people live in the cliffs of Southeastern Mali south of the Niger near the city of Bandiagara. The Dogon are a major tourist attraction for Mali. This tribe is known for their mask dances, architecture, and wooden sculptures.


These people who refer to themselves as Muonyjang are the largest ethnic tribe in South Sudan. They live in the Bahr el Ghazal region in the Nile basin, Jonglei, southern Kordufan and the Upper Nile region.


The Fang people live in forest clearings in the humid rainforests of Gabon. They are perhaps best known for the guardian figures which they attached to wooden boxes holding their ancestor’s bones.

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